Newly Appointed School Heads Webinar, January 9th, 2020

Please join three former school heads for a special Webinar on January 9 at 4:00 p.m. CST, designed just for newly appointed school heads.

Consider this:

You have just passed through a demanding search process, experienced the excitement of success in it, started to plan for the future at your new school, and yet still serve full-time as a leader at your current school. You have never be busier!

Moreover, your excitement is exhilarating — "I can’t wait to get started!" But it’s also a little scary — "What have I gotten myself into?" The reality of your appointment hits home: You are the head of a school!

As eager as you are to tackle challenges you learned about in the search (e.g., the urgency to revitalize the faculty or to build a new field house), you probably find other matters daunting (your inexperience in budgeting or fundraising or perhaps your need to reassure an anxious family). And all of this is happening at once!

This Webinar, sponsored by The Education Group and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools and conducted by TEG Executive Coaches who have "been there and done that" will address your questions and raise others, all in an effort to support and empower newly appointed school heads to make the most of the months before you officially start to work next summer.

Please join us and fellow "new heads" for the free, hour-long Webinar at the following:

If you would like more information about the coaches, The Education Group, and our Executive Coaching Program, visit our web site at

David Dougherty
Director, Executive Coaching Program