Leadership Placement

Join our network of qualified candidates.



Learn to Lead

The Education Group is dedicated to promoting top talent for the nation’s most competitive independent schools. Interested candidates can register for possible future placement.




What it Takes

The Education Group seeks the highest level of candidates both personally and professionally. A bachelor's degree is required. Preference goes to the candidate with a master's (or above) and experience. While teacher certification may not be required, strong coursework in the teaching field is expected. Salary and benefits in independent schools are competitive; class size is small; and working conditions are excellent. All placement fees are paid by the school — not the candidate.

Bachelor’s Degree

Master’s Degree

Teacher Certification



Join our Network

Become the next leader in Education.


I came to the Education Group for help with my out-of-state job search. After months of applying to positions without luck, The Education Group was able to point me in the right direction. Thanks to their support and diligence, I accepted an amazing job offer.
— Samantha Breault